GO, Mountain View, MO GOMVMO.com

Events & Fun

Things to Do!

Welcome visitors!



2/6, 2/13, and 2/20.

Coming Up Roses.

Details & Ticket Info: Here.

Wild Arrows Christian Homeschool Group will sponsor a skate party for current members and any Christian homeschool families that might be interested

Please go to the Wild Arrows Facebook page and let us know if you are going to make it, your kids names for valentines and if you plan to bring a snack to share (appreciated but not necessary). Thanks! 

Wild Arrows Homeschool Group

Details: Here.

Next date: 2/22/25

The FFA still has a few RAD Night tickets available to purchase. RAD Night will be held on February 22nd, 2025. Dinner is included with each $50 ticket, along with being entered into the prize drawings for at least 30 prizes (Each prize is valued at $300+ and more than half are 🔥💪🏻’s of various calibers). If you want to purchase one or more tickets, please email:  knicholson@liberty.mvbt.k12.mo.us or text 417-252-1773. 

Location: Mountain View Comm. Ctr.

🐇MARCH 2025🐇

Details: Here.

Event by King of Kings in Mountain View

300 E 3rd St, Mountain View

Duration: 2 hr. Free pancake supper as we celebrate the last day before Lent! Public.

Historically, this was a day families would rid their homes of their rich and sweet ingredients in preparation for the fasting during Lent. 

This is a private website not published by or affiliated with any business. It is a free service provided to the community, and all listings are free. Enjoy!

Email me to add an

event or other info.

Please give

2 to 4 weeks prior notice

for event to be posted in time. 

Plan months ahead for a

more successful event.

Thank you. Arin Crebbs
